Being the Best PERFORMing Customer Service Outsourcer in the Philippines

Being the Best PERFORMing Customer Service Outsourcer in the Philippines

At ePerformax, PERFORM is more than just a word, it’s our mission. It represents our culture, our people, and our driving desire to be the best contact center and BPO service provider for our clients. We PERFORM with Passion, Empowerment, Resourcefulness, Flexibility, Optimism, Results-Orientation, and the Motivation to win. Our mission is at the heart of ePerformax and drives our strategic partnerships and focus on providing an effortless customer experience.


The entire ePerformax team is driven to be the best, and this is observable at every level of the organization. Employees are compensated based on their ability to achieve Key Performance Metrics that are aligned with each client’s business objectives. Bi-weekly bonuses keep employees focused on maximizing their performance.

“At ePerformax, we make analytics common practice at all levels of management to give our managers the tools to understand the dynamics of each client’s business to know what’s working, what’s not working and why, and what to do to positively influence performance.”

– Teresa Hartsaw, President & CEO


The analytical process at ePerformax takes the guesswork out of making decisions and empowers our front-line leaders to take action and manage the business as if it were their own. What makes the ePerformax team stand out from other outsourcers is the confidence and assertive nature that is not considered common among Filipino customer service providers.

ePerformax leaders are armed with the data, analytical tools, and training that equips them to:

  • Proactively address challenges and opportunities
  • Manage risks
  • Improve efficiencies
  • Reduce costs
  • Provide customer insights to make continuous improvements


Resourcefulness and empowerment go hand in hand. To effectively maximize our analytical capabilities, our management team needs to make decisions and be resourceful in implementing them. This contributes to our ability to outperform other competitive offshore contact centers. ePerformax managers are empowered to be resourceful in their roles, requiring creativity in identifying strategic opportunities, recognizing valuable data, and organizing resources to deliver results.


At ePerformax, our entrepreneurial style and our smaller size, as compared to global outsourcers, ensure we maintain a “speed boat” mentality that allows us to move with our partners, making sharp turns when necessary. This approach to being flexible for our clients extends to how we schedule our teammates too. We are one of the few companies that have implemented a compressed, 48-hour workweek for our customer service team. We pay our team for eight hours above the 40 hours of productive time each individual is scheduled. That allows flex time for coaching, training, and taking calls if needed to support service levels.


This is an essential component of our ability to meet and exceed client objectives. To be optimistic, we start by being realistic. By having a plan for the worst-case scenarios, we minimize risk and focus on success. Optimism, properly managed, is a catalyst for change. In a continually changing industry and constant improvement culture, change is what ultimately drives results.


At ePerformax, we know that hard work and hard results are different, and we believe in achieving the hard results. We work with our clients to ensure that our Key Performance Metrics are directly aligned with their business objectives. By focusing our efforts on results, we develop clarity of purpose, momentum, and a methodology for prioritization of the work to do to get results.


To motivate performance, a positive consequence of action has to outweigh the negative. As such, we see a critical need for our business culture, disciplines, accountabilities, and incentives to be aligned with that of our clients. Constant monitoring ensures we are motivating every individual to maximize their contribution. In doing so, we have been able to develop a high-performing team that wants to win for our clients.

Does your customer service outsourcer have a mission and a culture that makes their team want to provide the best customer service possible, or do they fall short of your expectations?  If you’re ready to give your customers the best, most effortless service out there, give us a call today, and we’ll share how we’re helping companies like yours deliver world-class customer service.

Contact us today: +1 (888) 384-7004 or

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