CASE STUDY | Delivering $620K in Productivity Savings

CASE STUDY | Delivering $620K in Productivity Savings

ePerformax establishes Operational Excellence teams for its clients to improve the process, people, and technology effectiveness. One of the common challenges our clients have encountered is the adoption of new processes and procedures that reduce operating expenses without compromising customer experience.

This client, the Australian entity of a global e-commerce leader that connects millions of buyers and sellers around the world, supports the entire Australian marketplace, including New Zealand. We are the sole provider of customer service, which we support through chat (50% of total volume), email (35% of total volume), and voice (15% of total volume). In Q4 2019, ePerformax was tasked with looking for opportunities to help this client reduce operating expenses, particularly as they related to outbound transfers and reducing handle time across all channels.

Using our Performance Maximization Model and Six Sigma techniques, we approached our in-depth analysis of the data in the following ways.

  • The Operational Excellence team analyzed the contact drivers driving outbound transfers.
  • Our Quality team then conducted a benchmarking assessment on transferred calls using our C.O.R.E Quality Evaluation Form explicitly designed to identify business intelligence at the process, people, and policy levels.
  • A similar strategy was deployed on top handle time drivers, with the Operational Excellence team focused on the components of handle time (i.e., talk time, hold time, and ACW) where we successfully uncovered people and procedural solutions for our client.

Solutions proposed by our OE team and implemented by the client included:

  • Enhancing the non-responsive customer policy for chat agents, which lowered the definition of non-responsive from 2-minutes to 45-seconds based on benchmarked analysis of customer behavior.
  • Standardizing chat and email workflows that began with agents using a centralized knowledge base article that shortened the time required to find documents.
  • Retraining outlier agents who contributed the highest number of invalid transfers.

The results:

The results:

These solutions drove significant improvements and the results were 
an annualized savings of $620,000!

The partnership between ePerformax and its clients is focused on more than just providing a great customer experience. We are also constantly looking for ways to improve effectiveness. We are consistently analyzing all of the data from customer interactions to uncover opportunities to reduce contacts, effort, and cost. Then we work with our clients to transform processes, technologies, and the skills of our agents to eliminate the pain points and meet customer expectations. 

ePerformax interacts with millions of customers every year. Our team not only solves problems but also brings creative solutions to clients. Sometimes the smallest creative solutions can make a large difference in the customer experience and overall service effectiveness.

Does your provider understand your business needs? Do they make your life harder or easier? Are they proactive in addressing issues before they become significant problems?

You deserve to work with an outsourcing partner that makes your business needs a top priority. Let ePerformax show you how we partner with our clients, just like this one. Contact us today to talk with one of our team or see for yourself by scheduling a tour of our operations in the Philippines.

Contact us today: +1 (888) 384-7004

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