Why ePerformax stands out among outsourcer competitors.

Why ePerformax stands out among outsourcer competitors.

At ePerformax, we work hard to create a PERFORM culture that values both our employees and our clients. Our mission is to PERFORM with Passion, Empowerment, Resourcefulness, Flexibility, Optimism, Results-Orientation, and Motivation to provide the best-in-class customer service.  We live this day in and day out and it shows. 

In fact, we recently had the honor of receiving the Highest Quality Service Outsourcing Partner for 2018 from one of our clients.

“Every year we review the performance of all of our partners from various departments including Customer Relations Management.

ePerformax Cebu has shown expertise beyond just customer support. They have shared numerous business insights and recommended strategies that have significantly impacted our operations and increased customer satisfaction. 

 This award represents ePerformax’s ability to support our business needs with great teamwork, their ability to meet targets amidst challenges, and their focus on providing impactful business insights and creative ideas, which ultimately shows our customers are their highest priority.” 

If you were handing out quality service awards, would you give one to your customer service outsourcer? If not contact us today, and we’ll share how we help our clients improve their customer service through insights and ideas we hear directly from customers … on every call.

Contact us today: +1 (888) 384-7004

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